Why Are Recyclable Bags More Expensive?

Why Are Recyclable Bags More Expensive?

At The Craft Corner, we strive hard to ensure your crafting goodies arrive safely, while also playing our part in reducing global warming. That’s why we actively seek to stock 3D decoupage sheets that aren’t packaged in plastic. However, this creates a dilemma: without plastic packaging, we still need to protect your items from rain and damage during transit. To solve this, we use biodegradable bags – a more eco-conscious option.

Recently, we faced an unexpected challenge. When we ran out of our regular biodegradable bags, we had to reorder, only to find that the cost of the replacements had doubled compared to non-recyclable plastic ones. This raises the obvious question: why is it so expensive to opt for eco-friendly packaging, especially when we are constantly encouraged to recycle?

The truth is, producers of packaging materials often argue that it’s cheaper to produce traditional plastic bags than recyclable or biodegradable alternatives. This is partly because plastic production has been streamlined and optimised for decades. Meanwhile, the infrastructure and technology required to produce eco-friendly materials are still developing, keeping prices higher.

But here’s the kicker: if the cost of traditional plastic bags were raised to reflect their environmental impact, people would naturally gravitate towards the cheaper, recyclable options. Greater demand for eco-friendly products could drive down production costs, making sustainable choices more accessible for everyone.

It’s no secret that plastic waste is wreaking havoc on our environment. Each year, over 100 billion plastic bags are used globally, with a shockingly small percentage being recycled. The rest often end up in landfills or polluting our oceans, where more than 8 million tonnes of plastic find their way each year, devastating marine life and ecosystems. In fact, researchers estimate that by 2050, there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish if current trends continue. This alone should make us rethink the use of plastic, especially for single-use items like packaging.

At The Craft Corner, we believe small changes can make a big difference. By choosing biodegradable packaging, we’re helping to reduce plastic waste – but we know there’s still a long way to go. We hope that as demand for greener options increases, prices will eventually come down, making it easier for businesses and individuals to make sustainable choices without the added financial burden.

So, next time you receive a package wrapped in biodegradable material, know that it’s a little step towards a cleaner, greener world – even if it comes at a higher price for now.